Delivering Business Analytics
the way you want it
  • check At the Speed of Thought
  • check At your Fingertips
  • check Ready to go!

About One-V

Ovott's One-V business analytics software has lightning fast performance providing business intelligence at the speed of thought. One-V is based on years of experience in business analytics and advanced database technology. You get the information you want at your fingertips with instant access to: District, Store or Department Sales Performance. Quick views across time. Drill downs to the product SKU level.

One-V uses your existing data infrastructure instead of replacing it. Why wait six-months or a year for a new business analytics system when you can have One-V's power in approximately 30-days? Think of the advantage you'll have over your competition with business intelligence today.


At the Speed of Thought

Careful software and system design delivers sub-second response for queries, making answers virtually instantaneous.

View data from the top down, or give individual store and department managers the ability to see the business at their level. On the fly, look at a category or product. View sales volume over time with per item financials. Compare quarter, store, region, or product performance. Such quick access to easily understood results, empowers managers and employees. They efficiently delve into business results, making faster decisions about pricing and promotions to achieve consistently better results.


At your Fingertips

The intuitive graphical interface is easy to learn, but powerful enough for virtually all retail POS-oriented applications.

On screen, quickly change from viewing all data, to viewing a single region, territory, district, or store. Managers quickly see departmental performance, empowering them with knowledge for good decisions. They no longer have to wait for reports to be run or new reports to be created. Departmental managers enhance the success of a promotion by quickly understanding sale outcomes by volume and profitability. They can immediately correct actions that aren't generating the desired results. Trends can be viewed over time to understand and compare seasonal product performance or the results of promotions conducted at various times.


Ready to Go!

Unlike most business analytics systems, Ovott's One-V can be tailored to your retail POS system in about thirty days.

Ovott One-V does not replace your data infrastructure. Rather, it enhances your existing data. Utilizing your business and product hierarchy, One-V provides a framework to enhance data viewing performance. The One-V solution means that you can now utilize your existing data to make better business decisions, immediately. Because Ovott's product does not rely on a new infrastructure, there is no need to wait for months and years while a new data warehouse is developed. Instead, existing data feeds Ovott's business analytics at the speed of thought.